Ozone therapy is where a person receives an increased amount of oxygen into their body via various methods, including Ozone therapy booths, cream applications and topical gels.
Strictly speaking Ozone therapy is considered a form of alternative medicine, and its benefits have been noted for many diseases such as cancer, AIDS, multiple sclerosis - as well as for Type 2 diabetes.
The Director of the Nevada Centre of Alternative and Anti-Aging Medicine in Carson City, Nevada, Dr. Frank Shallenberger, MD, HMD, has treated many cases of people diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes as well as other serious diseases - all of whom have improved in health once undergoing Ozone therapy.
Dr. Shallenberger feels the connection between the Ozone therapy and Type 2 diabetes is all in the improved blood circulation this therapy can create.
One case of high importance for all to know about as it shows a strong argument that ozone therapy can work for diabetics, is from one of Dr. Shallenbergers patients called Virginia age 51. Virginia came for treatment for recurrent breast cancer as she unfortunately had a tumor that would periodically grow and then diminish in size.
Dr. Shallenberger decided to ozonate Virginia's blood as ozone has been used to treat many cancer patients world-wide. So, he started by drawing 150 cc of her blood and then injected it with ozone gas. This process took 40 minutes and after the process was completed, the treated blood was then re-infused back into her body. This was carried out daily to treat Virginia's cancer.
To Dr. Shallenbergers surprise, not only did the breast cancer respond and start to dissolve through ozonation - but Virginia's Type 2 diabetes responded as well. Her blood sugar levels started to drop very low indeed, in fact, so low Virginia became hypoglycemic.
So, to ensure her levels stayed within the preferred healthy range but still not so high that she was considered a diabetic, Dr. Shallenberger slowly reduced her blood sugar lowering drug Glucotrol that was given to treat her high blood sugar level - eventually eliminating the drug altogether.
At the end of this particular treatment Virginia didn't have Type 2 diabetes any longer as her blood sugar was lower than when she started treatment with Ozone therapy and was now sitting in the healthy normal range.
The Glucotrol diabetes drug Virginia was taking also started to work a little too well, meaning her body responded exceptionally well to ozone treatment as it reversed her diabetes diagnosis. Thankfully, it also shrank her breast cancer tumor.
One of the ways Ozone therapy appears to help diabetics is by delivering much-needed oxygen to tissues that have become severely oxygen depleted. Diabetics commonly suffer from gangrene and are also often unable to resist infections - both conditions can result from poor oxygen uptake which results from poor blood circulation.