Thursday, December 5, 2013

All About Healthy Skin - How to Deal With Aging Skin

Time is something we do not have control over. As we fight time the onset of fine lines, wrinkles and sagging seem to be inevitable. Collagen is what keeps our skin elastic and as we age it weakens as our bodies begin to lose the ability to produce Collagen, causing skin to get thinner and drier. Intrinsic aging generally becomes noticeable between the ages of 30 and 35.

Unlike intrinsic aging, we do have control over our extrinsic aging; the ability to look younger or older than ones biological age. Extrinsic aging is a result of time and exposure to environmental factors. Too much sunlight is a major contributing factor to extrinsic aging as it can decrease the level of collagen and other dermal proteins causing the skin to appear photoaged. Continuous environmental exposure without adequate protection will increase the potential onset of deep wrinkles, fine lines, sagging skin, furrows, freckles (age spots), uneven skin tone, spider veins and dilated capillaries. Excessive UV exposure can also lead to various forms of skin cancer.

When it comes to looking healthy and youthful, the eye region and often neglected areas, hands, the neck and chest are amongst the first areas to reveal signs of aging. The face is probably the most common place people will look to when trying to determine your age; let's talk about aging and your eyes. Puffiness and dark circles around the eyes, wrinkles, fine lines and crow's feet are dead giveaways. You can't fight time but you can definitely slow down the affects of time. Understanding what causes these signs of aging will allow you to take proactive steps in slowing the process.

In a nut shell, dark circles are the increased visibility of your blood vessels through your skin. The causes of increased visibility of these engorged blood vessels are numerous. The three most common causes of dark circles are; age, sleep, and sun damage. As we age, our skin decreases its ability to generate collagen making the skin thinner and more inelastic especially around the eye region. The thinner the skin the more visible the blood vessels become.

There are many arguments about whether or not it is the lack of sleep that causes dark circles or if it's from sleeping in an awkward position. Both options seem to link sleep to the formation of dark circles. Our suggestion in regards to sleep is to make sure you get enough (uninterrupted) every night and make sure that you are in a comfortable position where the head is slightly elevated higher than the rest of your body.

Too much sun/UV rays can break down collagen levels and damage skin cell DNA making your skin look photoaged and can lead to the development of certain skin cancers. It can also cause hyperpigmentation which adds to the allusion of dark circles. This however, can be prevented by applying the proper Sunscreen with adequate SPF values and by wearing UV protective sun glasses.

Puffiness in the eye region is a result of a fluid buildup. The eye region will retain fluids for an array of reasons; your age, the lack of sleep, high levels of sodium consumption, allergies, nasal congestion, crying, and the list goes on. The fact is, at one point or another you will be confronted with temporary eye puffiness, and in some worse cases, permanent puffiness. The problem then becomes, how do you deal with this inevitable issue?

Like dark circles, the visibility of puffy eyes can be significantly reduced by maintaining a healthy life style and/or the proper skin care treatments. Combining a healthy lifestyle along with the right skin care treatments can significantly decrease the presence of dark circles and puffiness around the eyes. Not only will you look great but you will feel great too.

Choosing the right treatment - We're going to use the eyes as an example

The condition of your eye area can exemplify your current lifestyle and age. Crow's feet, dark circles and puffiness (bags) are specific conditions that can be dead giveaways of your age and lifestyle. Those that are conscious of these signs often rely on various eye creams and treatments to reduce the appearance of them. Selecting the right eye cream has become more difficult over time because of the wide array of ingredients used in various types of eye creams. Trial and error can be quite expensive. The vast majority of eye creams available at the cosmetic counter offer solutions to wrinkles, puffy (baggy) eyes and dark circles. Which one do you choose?

Many products have an all-on-one solution but some specialize in certain areas more than others. If you have a severe case of one specific condition it is better to find a product that is specialized rather than purchasing an all-in-one. However, some of these all-in-one products do have specific strengths. It is important to read the product labels and find out what their strengths are. Products with ingredients such as Peptides, Retinol or Hyaluronic Acid have shown to be very effective at reducing the signs of aging skin. For example, dermaglow has a Nuvectin Advanced Eye Therapy, a multi-functioning eye cream formulated to reduce wrinkles, under-eye bags and dark circles. dermaglow also has a product called Nuvage Anti-Aging Eye Therapy that acts as a preventative anti-aging product, geared for a younger demographic (25+) to prevent the onset of under -eye bags (puffiness), wrinkles and dark circles. Choose a product that is either recommended by a dermatologist or has had clinical studies performed on it to ensure that you will receive the best results possible. Clinical trials performed on the dermaglow products demonstrate that the Nuvage Anti-Aging Eye Therapy provides a significant reduction (up to 50%) for under-eye bags and the Nuvectin Advanced Eye Therapy provides strong results for deep wrinkles (up to 46% reduction). (up to.

Make sure that you identify what condition you want to address the most and pick your treatment accordingly. Be sure to read the strengths of your selected products and consult your dermatologist or beauty advisor.