Sunday, December 8, 2013

Alternative Health Therapies - 7 Alternative Therapy Treatment Solutions that Heal Naturally

It used to be that when you got injured or hurt your only avenue for treatment was going to the doctor and getting a prescription for traditional pain medication. The Western medical community considered natural therapeutic approaches to solving various ailments to be backwards and of no use in modern society.

This negative attitude towards alternative therapy treatment is quickly changing as more and more people turn to natural solutions for their aches and pains. While traditional medicine will always be useful, many health professionals now see the benefits of combining alternative health therapies with the more standard medical treatments.


In traditional Chinese medicine, illness and pain is caused by a loss of balance between the yin and yang energy forces. Tiny needles are used to apply pressure to sensitive areas of the body to relieve this disharmony. Acupuncture has been proven to be very effective in alleviating discomfort from headaches and carpal tunnel syndrome.


Massage has long been known to relieve tension in tired muscles and is often used for relaxation. Studies show that massage releases the body's natural painkillers, and the gentle pushing and pulling of muscles gives a boost to your immune system.


Yoga combines stretching and breathing exercises with meditation. Yoga is credited with helping those suffering from mood disorders, like depression. Yoga's classic flexing exercises can also keep you limber and in shape at any age.


Homeopathy seeks to heal the body's "vital energy" with diluted remedies that closely mimic illness symptoms. Various natural substances are diluted to remove any physical reactions. These diluted remedies supposedly help the body get rid of the real ailment. In studies, homeopathy was proven to be effective in the treatment of chronic skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema, as well as, hay fever.


Chiropractic medicine is a touch therapy based on spinal alignment, which helps take the pressure off of painful nerves. If your spine is out of alignment, it can press down on various nerves causing pain. Studies have shown that a chiropractic realignment can alleviate chronic back pain without need for medication or surgery.